Ludwig's Copper Count-N 200ml
Copper Count-N contains fungicide solution for the control of many diseases on a wide variety of crops.
Contains: Copper ammonium acetate
Diseases: Black spot, downy mildew, rust, bacterial blight, bacterial spot, early blight, leaf curl, scab and powdery mildew.
Dosage: 50ml per 10 litre of water
Crops: Fruit, vegetables, roses
Environmental hazard: Withholding periods vary from crop to crop, average 3 to 7 to 14 days.
No or low toxiciity towards bees, birds, beneficial insects, wild life, pets. Low toxicity to fish. Very low toxicity towards humans. Acute poisoning very unlikely. No secondary poisoning. Short to medium residual activity.
Bees: Harmless
Fish and other aquatic organisms: Very low toxicity
Birds: Relatively non toxic
Ladybirds and other beneficial insects: Harmless
Cold blooded animals / predators: Relatively non toxic
Earthworms and soil micro-organisms: Unknown
Mammalian (humans, children, wildlife, pets): Very low toxicity if swallowed
Persistency in the environment: Short residual, breaks down within days. UNIQUE
Has fungicidal as well as bactericidal properties. Withholding periods vary from crop to crop, average 3 to 7 to 14 days.
Harmless to bees, birds, beneficial insects, wild life, pets. Low toxicity to fish. Very low toxicity towards humans. Acute poisoning not possible. No secondary poisoning. Short to medium residual activity. ACT 36 / 1947 Registration number: L 2602 (Hygrotech registration) Hazard classification: Caution, blue band Toxicity of active ingredient(s): LD 50 mg/kg Toxicity of formulation: LD 50 > mg/kg Warnings and precautions: Standard clauses, plus withholding periods on edible crops in (days):
Apples (14 ) ;Avocados (14) ; Bean(3) ; Cruciferae (3) ; Cucurbits (3) Table Grapes (4-6 weeks);
Wine Grapes (21) ; Mangoes (14) ; Peaches(14) ; Potatoes (14) Poisoning (oral, dermal etc.): Acute poisoning if swallowed very unlikely. No poisoning through skin.